"Surrendering to a regular breathing rhythm and swimming strokes. Smooth slides of the surrounding fluid counterpressure. The time has different qualities now; its flow thickens and merges into monotonous loops of a swimmer’s tempo."

virtual exhibition - Pragovka Gallery - 2021

w/ Marcel Rozhoň

text: Viktor Čech

virtual exhibition: https://pragovkaonline.com/pul-pool/


viktor čech 

Is there really such a big difference between the virtuality of a computer simulation and the concreteness of our surrender to the natural element? Is the calm darkness of the water surface more of a safe haven or a threat? Curator Viktor Čech will try to respond to these and other topics related to the Pool exhibition project of Michaela Munzarova and Marcel Rozhon in his short reflection from the point of view of their relationship to contemporary visual culture.